Attenuation Tank Design Spreadsheet (CIRIA):
- 15.05.2013 version 1.2. released. Revised spreadsheet protection.
- 20.10.2011 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Bar Bending Schedule Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 16.07.2021 version 3.2. released. Added a button to change colour of input cells, black might be preferred for print-outs.
- 31.05.2021 version 3.1. released. The spreadsheet now conforms to the latest revision of British Standard: BS 8666:2020. Furthermore it is not possible to insert or draw shape code 99. Input cells are now 1x1 rather than 2x2, making it easier to copy and paste bar details between different sources. It is now possible to sum weights of bar diameters that are not covered by BS8666 (e.g. bar diameter 22 is used in Singapore together with BS8666). Diagrams for shape code 99 can be inserted and annotated, or can be drawn directly in the spreadsheet with use of dedicated drawing tools. Shape code 99 diagrams can be re-arranged once inserted into schedule. Other changes between revision 2005 and 2020 of BS 8666 are: two new shape codes, updated length calculations, updated bends, introduced extra dimensions (e.g. shape code 15). The spreadsheet can automatically calculate these extra dimensions.
- 17.12.2020 version 2.8. released. When exporting to an editable file, figures in parentheses do not get converted to negative values (which is the default behaviour in Excel).
- 24.11.2013 version 2.7. released. Increased minimum P value for links with bents < 150 degrees. Added custom printing window where user can chose a printer and sheets to print. Activate it by through 'Print Me' button or by pressing Ctrl+P (for standard printing options use Ribbon/Menu).
- 27.05.2013 version 2.6. released. Added indication when entered length is smaller than required minimum for the given bar diameter.
- 18.07.2012 version 2.5. released. Another functionality upgrade. It is now possible to refresh conditional formatting which in some circumstances may cause spreadsheet to slow down. If it seems to run slower then press a refresh button. Furthermore, it is now possible to export BBS to a new, editable and fully unprotected file which can be forwarded to Client etc. Added a few keyboard shortcuts for easier use - see TIPS section in 'from author' tab
- 24.03.2012 version 2.4. released. Option to show pop-up window or jump to next cell is now global. This means that changing it on one sheet will change it on all sheets.
- 03.01.2012 version 2.3. released. Now when cells are merged, for mesh or bar mark 99, then bar weight is calculated based on length given in 'overwrite length' cell.
- 23.10.2011 version 2.2. released. Added missing graphic for shape code 14 in shape code reference tab.
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 12.08.2011 version 1.10. released. After entering shape code, active cell is set as input field for length 'A'.
- 10.03.2011 version 1.9. released. Added button 'print all sheets'. Other minor changes.
- 27.11.2010 version 1.8. released. Cell protection revised to work on Excel 97 and older.
- 29.09.2010 version 1.7. released. Minor changes to company/project input table. Spreadsheet activation is now required.
- 04.09.2010 version 1.6. released. Upon request: added option to merge/unmerge cells to schedule mesh.
- 31.07.2010 version 1.5. released. Upon request: added sheet with summary of bar weights and lengths.
- 06.07.2010 version 1.4. released. Revised macros and shape code sheet (with option to delete it to save space).
- 01.06.2010 version 1.3. released. Added pop-up window with shape codes for easier input. Revised conditional formatting. Delete entries macro is now reversible.
- 22.05.2010 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.2.
Bar Bending Schedule Spreadsheet (Indian Standard):
- 11.03.2012 version 2.2. released. This is a major performance and usability update. Expanded bar shape range by additional 18 shapes (now 50 in total). VBA code was completely rewritten. Bar shape diagrams now appear instantaneously. Summary of weights was also revised and calculations are done in a second.
- 16.01.2012 spreadsheet is now available in two languages: English and Hebrew (upon request).
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 17.03.2011 version 1.4. released. Added 'Print all sheets' button. Bar weights summary recalculates automatically.
- 27.11.2010 version 1.3. released. Cell protection revised to work on Excel 97 and older.
- 30.10.2010 version 1.2. released. Sheet with summary of bar weights added. 15% increase in performance as a result of revised code.
- 10.10.2010 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Building Near Trees Foundation Design Spreadsheet (NHBC):
- 09.11.2022 version 1.4 released. Adjusted linear function for calculating required foundation depth for Coniferous trees with Moderate water demands in soils with Medium volume change potential.
- 21.09.2020 version 1.3 released. Updated to NHBC Standards 2020.
- 18.08.2016 version 1.2 released. Updated to NHBC Standards 2016.
- 14.03.2013 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Column/Wall Load Take Down:
- 30.12.2014 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Continuous Beam Analysis Spreadsheet:
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 27.11.2010 version 1.10. released. Cell protection revised to work on Excel 97 and older.
- 29.09.2010 version 1.9. released. Loading diagram fixed. Activation code revised to fix crashing when closing spreadsheet without saving changes.
- 18.09.2010 version 1.8. released. Spreadsheet activation is now required.
- 03.06.2010 version 1.7. released. Minor cosmetic changes.
- 03.03.2010 version 1.6. released. Added option to swap between SI and US units to allow for the use of the spreadsheet in United States. Meaning the spreadsheet is now capable of solving problems in metres, Newtons (SI units) as well as in feet, pounds (US units). Changing units is done by one click and results are instant.
- 21.10.2009 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.5.
Crane Lift Calculator Spreadsheet:
- 29.01.2024 version 1.1. released. Expanded list of crane models.
- 17.07.2016 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Employee Attendance Tracker Spreadsheet:
- 06.02.2024 version 2.3. released. Corrected date formatting issue in bank holidays' table.
- 17.05.2021 version 2.2. released. updated pre-set employee and department details in the Dashboard to avoid corrupting the charts the first time the Dashboard is opened.
- 23.02.2020 version 2.1. released. Comes wit a wide range of great new features: a Dashboard with many insightful charts; allow for length of service (i.e. accrued leave); leave can be calculated based on employee's actual start date; filter Overview by departments; option to show Employees' ID and work shift; add employee notes; add comments to leave dates (e.g. came in late today); quick import of larga employee databases; supports DMY and MDY date formatting.
- 06.01.2018 version 1.3. released. Added pop-up help messages the first time Detailed View or Database View is opened.
- 02.04.2017 version 1.2. released. Corrected error where leave added for the last day in a year was not included in totals.
- 19.02.2017 version 1.1. released. Leave can now be added over weekends and bank holidays. Also the leave categories are now editable.
- 30.05.2016 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Employee Performance Tracker Spreadsheet:
- 02.01.2020 official release of the spreadsheet version 2.1.
Flitch Beam Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 11.12.2011 version 2.2. released. Deflection of single beams is now calculated based on Emin rather than Emean.
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 07.08.2011 version 1.2. released. Improved and simplified bolt calculations.
- 29.05.2011 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Foul Drainage - Pipe Sizing Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 01.08.2013 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Holding Down Bolt Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 22.02.2015 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Loading Schedule Spreadsheet:
- 02.06.2017 version 1.1 released. Corrected error when moving materials with predefined blanket load caused values to be overwritten.
- 09.01.2015 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Masonry Bearing (Padstone) Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 05.07.2021 version 1.2 released. Compressive unit strength is no longer restricted to choices from the drop-down menu.
- 24.10.2016 version 1.1 released. Added spreader length check for semi-infinite classification. Also changed cell formatting to make it more visible when bearing fails.
- 24.09.2016 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Masonry Column Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 29.12.2014 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Masonry Column Design Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Masonry Freestanding Wall - Quick Spec Spreadsheet (BRE):
- 13.11.2017 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Masonry Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Masonry Wall Panel Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 02.06.2012 version 2.4. released. Fixed issue with message 'wall panel not covered by BS' aborting calculations when wall type G-K was selected for inner leaf.
- 18.01.2012 version 2.3. released. Added option to calculate Porotherm blocks. Calculations are based on Technical Report and Design Guidance by Ceram. Orthogonal ratio is conservatively taken as 1.0 (to allow for use of BS 5628-1). Safety factors for materials are separately consider flexure / compression.
- 23.09.2011 version 2.2. released. A minor typing error corrected: units for panel's length and height are now in meters instead of millimetres.
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 07.07.2011 version 1.3. released. Removed issue with activating a wrong tab.
- 19.06.2011 version 1.2. released. Limiting dimensions' check added. Now includes free standing wall, simply supported or fixed at top and bottom.
- 10.06.2011 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Masonry Wall Panel Design Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- 25.08.2020 version 1.2. released. Correct conditional formatting error when designing single leaf wall but moment resistance cell of second leaf was still visible (although ignored in calculations).
- 21.01.2014 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Pile Analysis Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Project Administration Spreadsheet:
- 27.03.2020 version 3.2. released. Fixed issue with generating sheets when Logo image was deleted by user.
- 14.08.2011 version 3.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 03.03.2011 official release of the spreadsheet version 2.1.
R.C. Beam Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 24.02.2012 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
- 14.10.2012 version 1.2. released. This version includes a few functionality improvements. It is now easy to control deflection check by manually adjusting number of compression bars. Added option to limit maximum increase of tension reinforcement for deflection. Also improved bar spacing formula for economical design of wide beams.
R.C. Column Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 30.11.2012 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
R.C. Crack Width Check Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
R.C. Crack Width Check Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
R.C. Element Design Spreadsheet Package (British Standard):
- 07.11.2012 official release of the spreadsheet package version 1.1.
R.C. Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
R.C. Shear Walls Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 08.01.2012 version 1.3. released. Wall references can be turned on and off if required. Furthermore only references of designed walls are displayed.
- 28.11.2011 version 1.2. released. Added wall reference in layout. In reinforcement table added stresses (compression/tension) in wall ends.
- 29.08.2011 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
R.C. Strip Footing Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 06.09.2015 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
R.C. Strip Footing Design Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Section Properties Calculator:
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Soakaway Design Spreadsheet (BRE):
- 20.06.2019 version 1.3. released. Added pop-up messages and diagrams to make the spreadsheet even easier to use. E.g. added diagram to explain levels in soakage trial pit and how to make measurements during infiltration test. Also it is now easier to design soakaways from modular geocellular units.
- 20.10.2012 version 1.2. released. moved all calculations to one worksheet.
- 20.10.2011 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Steel Beam (Historical Sections) Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 18.05.2013 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Beam Design Spreadsheet (American Standard):
- 19.06.2013 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Steel Beam Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 26.08.2019 version 2.2. released. Added in-spreadsheet help pop-up messages. Also updated steel section sizes database and a few extra calculation steps are now visible on the print out.
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 27.11.2010 version 1.6. released. Cell protection revised to work on Excel 97 and older.
- 29.09.2010 version 1.5. released. Added option to change loading condition between normal and destabilizing load which affects mLT. Spreadsheet activation is now required.
- 05.08.2010 version 1.4. released. Added option to limit allowable deflection to L/200; L/250 or 25mm (based on a good practise for long spans).
- 03.06.2010 version 1.3. released. Minor cosmetic changes.
- 02.05.2010 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.2.
Steel Beam Design Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- 07.07.2020 - version 1.2. released. Corrected cross-section area of UPN beams. Shear area values did not require correction and were not affected.
- 25.08.2019 - version 1.1. released. It is now possible to enter effective length greater than beam's actual length. Also updated steel section sizes database and added more options for deflection checks.
- 14.05.2013 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Beam Splice Connection Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 30.12.2014 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Beam to Beam Endplate Splice Bolted Connection Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 14.12.2019 - version 1.2. released. Updated steel section database; added extra in-spreadsheet help; extended notes at the bottom of the sheet; added endplate width detailing check; revised weld calculations including adding an extra input cell (it is now possible to specify different weld for web tension zone and web shear zone); also revised some other calculations e.g. improved plastic bolt force distribution calcs.
- 04.08.2018 - version 1.1. released. Corrected error in minimum weld check where provided=minimum would still yield a failure.
- 01.03.2015 - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Bracing Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 31.08.2016 - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Bracing Design Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- 09.11.2022 - version 1.1. released. Added the smaller equal angles to the database i.e. 80x80 to 20x20 angles.
- 31.08.2016 - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Column Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 06.06.2022 - version 1.3. released. Properties of the 152UC sections now populate correctly from the database in the Company licensed version of this spreadsheet. The Single-User licensed version has been reved-up to suit although there is no actual change.
- 26.08.2019 - version 1.2. released. Updated steel section sizes database.
- 08.07.2013 Mac Excel version 1.1. released.
- 22.03.2012 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Steel Column Splice Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Connection Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Sheet Piling Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Steel Wind Truss Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Storm Water Drainage Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- not yet released - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Sum Rebar Weights per Bar Diameter Spreadsheet (for Quantity Surveyors and Contractors):
- 05.08.2018 version 1.2. released. Corrected error where xlsm files were counted twice.
- 09.04.2012 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Surface Water Drain and Foul Sewer Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 12.08.2020 version 1.1. released. Added more pipe sizes.
- 06.09.2015 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Timber Beam/Joist Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 22.05.2011 version 1.7. released. It is now possible to design the following materials: Oak, Hardwoods, Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam). Deflection of single beam is now calculated using Emin.
- 27.11.2010 version 1.6. released. Cell protection revised to work on Excel 97 and older.
- 29.09.2010 version 1.5. released. Spreadsheet activation is now required.
- 20.06.2010 version 1.4. released. Units revised. Now UDL for joists: kN/m2 and for beams: kN/m.
- 03.06.2010 version 1.3. released. Minor cosmetic changes.
- 14.03.2010 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.2.
Timber Beam/Joist Design Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- 22.08.2020 version 2.4. released. Updated to the latest U.K. National Annex.
- 18.03.2012 spreadsheet is now available in two languages: English and Dutch (upon request). First one is based on British National Annex, the latter is based on Dutch National Annex.
- 17.03.2012 version 2.3. released. kcr is now included in shear calculations.
- 07.09.2011 version 2.2. released. Revised shear strength for timber GL28h. Timber grade strengths and modification factors are now in a pop-up window
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 21.05.2010 version 1.2. released. It is now possible to design the following materials: Oak, Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam), Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL). Added lateral buckling factor - kcrit.
- 02.01.2011 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Timber Frame Wall Design spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 15.03.2020 - official realse of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Timber Post Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 01.03.2015 - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Timber Post Design Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- 01.03.2015 - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
U-Value Calculator Spreadsheet (BS EN ISO and BRE):
- 13.03.2021 version 1.3. released. Added option to overwrite the fractional area value for timber/seetl joists/rafters/studs.
- 19.04.2013 Windows version 1.2. released. updated Windows version as layers 6 to 10 were not displaying correctly.
- 02.03.2013 Mac Excel version 1.1. released.
- 09.02.2013 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Wind Load on Solar Panels Design Spreadsheet (BRE) - UK:
- 02.05.2013 version 1.2. released. Revised equation for overturning moment.
- 25.11.2012 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.
Wind Load on Solar Panels Design Spreadsheet (SEAOC and ASCE) - USA:
- 17.11.2019 version 1.1. released. Added extra geometry checks for panel size and height above roof.
- 22.02.2014 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Wind on Structures Analysis Spreadsheet (European Standard):
- 06.08.2019 - version 1.5. released. Incorporated footnote 3 from Table NA.1 in UK National Annex regarding increasing directional factor for the worst case angle within +/-45 degrees range of normal to face of building.
- 08.04.2019 - version 1.4. released. Corrected description and calculation of length of Zone C in Free-standing walls.
- 03.03.2018 - version 1.3. released. Corrected exposure factor for wind direction IV which was linked to wind direction III.
- 04.04.2016 - version 1.2. released. Corrected error in coefficients for negative slopes of duopitch canopies.
- 16.11.2014 - version 1.1. released. Removed error message for structures with effective height less than 1m.
- 26.04.2014 - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Windpost Design Spreadsheet (British Standard):
- 11.02.2015 - official release of the spreadsheet version 1.0.
Working Platfrom for Tracked Plant Design Spreadsheet (BRE):
- 05.03.2014 version 2.3. released. Added warning when bearing capacity factor for cohesive soil has non-standard value which is 2+pi(). This is to make sure user does not omit changing this value when switching between granular and cohesive design methods.
- 10.12.2011 version 2.2. released. Corrected typo in word drained. No other changes.
- 14.08.2011 version 2.1. released. Assigned to a new domain:
- 27.11.2010 version 1.6. released. Cell protection revised to work on Excel 97 and older.
- 29.09.2010 version 1.5. released. Activation code revised to fix crashing when closing spreadsheet without saving changes.
- 18.09.2010 version 1.4. released. Spreadsheet activation is now required.
- 30.08.2010 version 1.3. released. Added indication of errors.
- 17.08.2010 version 1.2. released. Added pop-up window with product list from recommended geogrid manufacturers: Enkagrid, Rhyno, Tensar.
- 10.08.2010 official release of the spreadsheet version 1.1.