Knowledge Corner
In this section you will find free materials for civil & structural engineers, architects, contractors etc. Knowledge Corner was started in December 2010 and will be developed further in the future. Aim is to give some basic information to engineers etc like loadings, tables, formulae etc. However, with time other useful information and software was added to this section (the main criteria is that it has to be useful to the community that visits this site, and must be free to use).
This Knowledge Corner currently includes:
- Block & Brick Dimensions - information mainly for young engineers;
- CAD Libraries - Steel Sections - free libraries of steelwork sections used in various countries. These include American, British, British Historical, European, Indian, Japanese, Russian, South African etc Steel Sections. All libraries are in DWG format;
- Continuous Beam Bending Tables - bending moment and reaction coefficients for typical loading conditions of continuous beams;
- Drawing title blocks for CAD software (FREE for personal and commercial use) - title block templates for AutoCAD, Microstation etc. There are several block types to chose from. The metric set includes A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4 (vertical and horizontal) paper sizes; the imperial (ANSI and ARCH) sets include E, D, C, B and A (vertical and horizontal) paper sizes. Automated and very easy to use. These are essential for any company producing its own drawings;
- Drawing title blocks for Revit (FREE for personal and commercial use). There are several block types to chose from. These are automatically populated with data from 'Project Information' section etc;
- FREE Software - list of FREE software for architects, civil/structural engineers and connected professions. At present list includes FREE Engineering Software; FREE CAD Software; FREE Construction Product Manufacturer's Software and FREE General Office Use Software. Demos, trials, time limited, paid software etc is NOT included - only totally FREE software;
- Eurocodes - Table of Contents - list of all 59 parts contained within 10 Eurocodes;
- Mesh Reinforcement Areas and Weights - very useful information when detailing mesh rather than loose bars for reinforced concrete;
- Paper Sizes - gives paper dimensions and diagrams showing relationship between papers in the same series. Includes ANSI, ARCH and ISO A Paper Series;
- Reinforcement Areas and Weights - very basic, yet very useful information like areas and weights of reinforcement depending on bar size and number of bars or bar spacing;
- Reinforcement Estimates - typical average weight of reinforcement in concrete building elements;
- Rigid Frame Formulae - moment, shear and reaction formulae for rigid frames;
- Scaffold elements properties - properties and capacities of scaffold tubes, beams, couplers, boards etc;
- Typical Weights of Building Materials - a comprehensive list of weights of typical building materials. This list is mainly based on weights of materials available in United Kingdom;
- US/SI Unit Converter - tables with unit conversion factors and a free spreadsheet for converting from US to SI units and from SI to US units;
- Useful links - links that I find very useful, educative etc;
- Year Planner - elegant and easy to follow Year Planners/Calendars for upcoming years;