Glossary, properties and capacities of scaffold elements
The below scaffolding glossary, properties and capacities are based on UK market.
I take no responsibility for the below information, use it at your own risk and make sure to double check the values.
The below scaffolding glossary, properties and capacities are based on UK market.
I take no responsibility for the below information, use it at your own risk and make sure to double check the values.
Properties of standard scaffold tubes in accordance with TG20 / BS 5973: 1993 / BS 1139 - 1.2 / BS EN 12811-2
Allowable scaffold tube strut loads (based on 'as new' scaffold tube as given above) in accordance with TG20
Properties of scaffold boards in accordance with TG20 / BS 2482:1981
Scaffold coupler safe working loads in accordance with TG20 / EN 74 / tests by others
Steel Scaffold Beams in accordance with BS 449 / BS 5973
Modulus of elasticity = 210000 N/mm2
NOTE: Beam capacity is a function of spacing of lateral bracing. This to be provided in accordance with manufacturer's specification.
Aluminium Scaffold Beams based on manufacturers' specification
Modulus of elasticity = 70000 N/mm2
NOTE: Beam capacity is a function of spacing of lateral bracing. This to be provided in accordance with manufacturer's specification.
NOTE: ASP was bought by Combisafe and now only Ubix 450 (previously ASP 450) and Ubix 780 (previously ASP 780) are available. Other ASP sizes are listed for reference.
Anchor - an element that transfers forces between a scaffolding tie and a supporting structure. Can be temporary or permanent.
Base Plate - a rigid plate under a standard, used to spread reaction. Bay - space between two adjacent standards along face of a scaffold. Bay Length - distance between centres of two adjacent standards. Coupler - an element that connects two scaffold tubes together. Ledger - a longitudinal scaffold tube (normally) parallel to a building face. Supports putlogs or transoms, and frequently for ties and ledger braces. Usually connected to adjacent standards. Perpendicular to transoms. Putlog - a scaffold tube with flattened end. Rests in or on part of a brickwork structure. Safe working moment - is a characteristic moment of resistance divided by a factor of safety. Scaffold tube - any tubular element of a scaffold: standard, ledger, transom etc. Standard - a vertical scaffold tube. Swivel coupler - a coupler for joining tubes at an angle (i.e. other than at a right angle). Tie - connects a scaffold to an anchor. Transom - a scaffold tube spanning across ledgers and supporting scaffold boards forming a working platform or connecting outer standards to inner standards. Perpendicular to scaffold boards. Working load - a load that can be safely carried by a structural member.