Employee Performance Tracker (FREE)
Also known as: Employee Review Tracker
This powerful tool is intended for SME (small to medium-sized enterprises), however it can also be used by school teachers, university professors, non-profit organizations with volunteers, etc. Will be ideal for Human Resources (HR) department.
The rating system can be changed between 3-point; 10-point and 10-point reversed rating. This spreadsheet is FREE to use for tracking up to 10 employees. This tracker is known under many names: staff performance tracker, student performance tracker, employee review tracker, staff review tracker, student review tracker, employee validation form.
Advanced Dashboard with many insightful charts analysing your data to help you see how your employees and departments are performing over time. Features: - all data is presented in an easy to appreciate and review manner; - shows Company's average rating, as well as number of employees and departments; - chart showing global average rating per competency (for the whole Company); - line charts showing TOP 10 departments and employees (grey line shows Company average over time - departments and employees above this line exceed Company's average performance); - bar charts showing TOP 10 departments and TOP 10 employees in selected year, or of all times; - chart showing Company's average rating per competency in last three years; - chart allowing comparison of Company's average rating per competency with a selected employee; - routinely printing out this Dashboard (and hanging it in a common area in the office; or simply emailing it as a PDF) will prove a powerful motivational tool; Shows employees rating per competency for a given year. Features: - all employees are listed in one view; - it is possible to only show employees that belong to a preferred department. Statistics will update automatically; - table is automatically adjusted to only show required competencies; - statistics per competency as well as per employee; - in-spreadsheet help; Rate employees and add review actions and comments per competency. Features: - quickly add performance rating (and comments) per competency for each employee; - easily change between years and see all past reviews per employee on the same sheet; - easily make notes of actions agreed with employee, their comments etc. and print it out to give a copy to employee after review; - alternatively change review headings (you can do that in the Settings view) to make notes to yourself only e.g. disciplinary warnings, what employee does well and areas for improvement; - change formatting of check marks between grey and blue to suit your preference; - in-spreadsheet help; - easy input of employee details including employee ID and department/group; - rating system: * 3-point system. With editable descriptions e.g. 1- does not meet standards; 2- meets standards; 3- exceeds standards; * 10-point system i.e. 10 is the greatest; * 10-point system reversed i.e. 1 is the greatest - dashboard charts will be updated to reflect that TOP 10 departments and employees are with lowest ratings; - change how to refer to people: Associates, Employees, Staff, Students, Volunteers; - change how to group people: Departments, Groups, Roles; - multiple options for employees' sorting order: by Department, by Employee's ID, by Name; - show/hide employees IDs; - enter up to 20 fully editable competencies; - fully editable review headings. For example use these headings: employee's comments; previously agreed actions; actions agreed during this review OR these headings: employee disciplinary warnings; what this employee does well; areas for improvement; - quickly import employee details from a tabulated database - especially useful for large employee databases as these can now be imported within seconds; - in-spreadsheet help;
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