Wall Load Take Down Spreadsheet
Gordy Nelson of GNC Engineering Ltd. - http://www.gncengineering.co.uk/
Client's brief:
- A well presentable spreadsheet for load take down of 3 to 7 storeys buildings;
- Built-in calculation of live load reduction factors based on number of floors;
- Option to show/hide wall calculations;
- The client had one tab for each storey number - now one sheet covers all cases;
- To be based on a spreadsheet provided by the client.
...Awaited. Spreadsheet in client testing phase.
Gordy Nelson of GNC Engineering Ltd. - http://www.gncengineering.co.uk/
Client's brief:
- A well presentable spreadsheet for load take down of 3 to 7 storeys buildings;
- Built-in calculation of live load reduction factors based on number of floors;
- Option to show/hide wall calculations;
- The client had one tab for each storey number - now one sheet covers all cases;
- To be based on a spreadsheet provided by the client.
...Awaited. Spreadsheet in client testing phase.
Gordy Nelson, Senior Structural Engineer, GNC Engineering Ltd.
Created spreadsheet:
Spreadsheet as received from the Client:
Spreadsheet as received from the Client: